Index Seminum of the Botanical Garden of Naples

One of the functions of botanical gardens is to collect seeds from the plants they cultivate and store them in a seed bankto exchange them with other botanical gardens.

In compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity of Rio de Janeiro, the seeds are provided under the following conditions:

  1. The material must be used for the common good in the areas of research, education, conservation, and development of botanical gardens.
  2. If the requester intends to commercialize the genetic material or derived products, prior written consent must be obtained from the Botanical Garden of Naples.
  3. The material cannot be transferred to third parties without written consent from the Botanical Garden of Naples.
  4. Any scientific publication related to the material sent must acknowledge the Botanical Garden of Naples as the provider. These conditions are deemed accepted upon ordering seeds or other plant material.

Latest Index Seminum

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2020-2021: Index Seminum of the Botanical Garden of Naples: download pdf file

2018-19 Index Seminum of the Botanical Garden of Naples: download pdf file

2016-17 Index Seminum of the Botanical Garden of Naples: download pdf file

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2012-13 Index Seminum of the Botanical Garden of Naples: download pdf file

2010 Index Seminum of the Botanical Garden of Naples: download pdf file

2009 Index Seminum of the Botanical Garden of Naples: download pdf file

2008 Index Seminum of the Botanical Garden of Naples: download pdf file

2007 Index Seminum of the Botanical Garden of Naples: download pdf file

Edited by Dr. Manuela De Matteis Tortora, Botanical Garden of Naples, University of Naples Federico II, Via Foria, 223, 80139 Naples, Italy. Phone: +39/81/2533922, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.