In the arboretum, numerous specimens of trees and shrubs of remarkable botanical interest are cultivated. Among the species present, worth mentioning are the paperbark tree (Melaleuca styphelioides), the maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba), the Persian ironwood (Parrotia persica), the bunya pine (Araucaria bidwillii), the "erva-baleeira" (Varronia curassavica), the hackberry (Celtis australis), and the camphor tree (Cinnamomum glanduliferum), often represented by majestic individuals. Among the shrubs present, we mention the poison sumac (Toxicodendron pubescens), which is irritating to the touch and toxic if ingested.
Flowers of the Judas tree (Cercis siliquastrum L.)
Flowers of the Judas tree (Cercis siliquastrum L.)
Parrotia persica (DC.) C.A. Mey, an endemic tree from northern Iran and southern Azerbaijan.
Parrotia persica (DC.) C.A. Mey, an endemic tree from northern Iran and southern Azerbaijan.
Detail of the bark of Diospyros virginiana L. (common persimmon), partly covered by lichens.
Detail of the bark of Diospyros virginiana L. (common persimmon), partly covered by lichens.
Flowers of Phyladelphus coronarius L.
Flowers of Phyladelphus coronarius L.
A glimpse of the arboretum from the inside.
A glimpse of the arboretum from the inside.
Flowers of Forsythia viridissima Lindl.
Flowers of Forsythia viridissima Lindl.
Blooming Bougainvillea glabra Choisy ‘sanderiana’.
Blooming Bougainvillea glabra Choisy ‘sanderiana’.
Hawthorn pomes (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.)
Hawthorn pomes (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.)
Historic specimen of Melaleuca styphelioides Sm. (prickly paperbark), an Australian species.
Historic specimen of Melaleuca styphelioides Sm. (prickly paperbark), an Australian species.
Flower of Ceiba speciosa (A.St.-Hil., A.Juss. & Cambess.) Ravenna, also called the silk floss tree; the fibers contained in the fruits are used for the preparation of stuffing.
Flower of Ceiba speciosa (A.St.-Hil., A.Juss. & Cambess.) Ravenna, also called the silk floss tree; the fibers contained in the fruits are used for the preparation of stuffing.
The arboretum in the fall.
The arboretum in the fall.