The Moraceae area seen from the outside. In the background, a large specimen of Ficus macrophylla Pers., the Moreton Bay fig, which grows wild in Australia.
The Moraceae area seen from the outside. In the background, a large specimen of Ficus macrophylla Pers., the Moreton Bay fig, which grows wild in Australia.

32. Moraceae Area

The Moraceae are a family of plants that are widespread in tropical and subtropical areas and are present with a few species in temperate regions. In the Mediterranean environment, a particularly appreciated species of this family is the common fig (Ficus carica).

A characteristic feature of these plants is the accessory fruit, known as a syconium, which is the result of the development of an entire inflorescence.

The Moraceae area of the Botanical Garden of Naples is located not far from the Monumental Merola Greenhouse, just above the Cirillo ramps.

Of notable interest in the area are two specimens of the Moreton Bay fig (Ficus macrophylla), an Australian species with large canopies and characteristic aerial roots.

ficus 3Aerial roots of Ficus macrophylla Pers.

32 Area delle Moraceae